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U.S. Monthly Extremes - Data Tables

U.S. Monthly Extremes

Find the dates and values for record-setting conditions at weather stations. Find data for records such as the highest and lowest temperatures, the most rain or snow, and the number of days below or above selected temperatures within the period of record.

Where do these data come from?

Measurements are collected by the U.S. Cooperative Observer Network (COOP), which typically has about 8,000 stations operating in any one year. Monthly extremes are extracted from the U.S. COOP Summary of the Month dataset (DSI-3220).

  • What can I do with these data?

    • Find the hottest, coldest, snowiest, wettest, and driest months on record at any COOP weather station.
    • Compare extreme values among various stations.

    How do I use the site?

    • Zoom in and pan to display the part of the world for which you want data.
    • Use one of the Selection tools on the map to bring up a text list of stations within your region of interest.
    • In the list of stations, check the box in the first column of your station of interest, and then click Get Selected Data.
    • Select your variable of interest under Extremes Products.
    • To check for records in the entire period of record, use the Date Selector on the left. Set the From date to the first year of record and the To date to the final year of record.
  • Data Format(s)
    Access Type Link & Description
  • Data Type
    Land-based station
    Essential Climate Variables
    Air temperature,


    Horizontal resolution(s)
    • Point Resolution
    Temporal resolution(s)
      Science Organization
      NOAA National Weather Service

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