Dots show October–December precipitation in the Pacific Northwest for every year from 1950–2021, sorted by ENSO phase. The vertical axis shows the percentage of accumulated October–December precipitation relative to the 1950–2020 average. The horizontal axis shows the October–November Niño 3.4 Index, with blue dots indicating forecasts of La Niña conditions (Niño 3.4 Index less than -0.5°C), black dots indicating neutral ENSO forecasts (Niño 3.4 Index greater than -0.5°C but less than 0.5°C), and red dots indicating forecasts of El Niño conditions (Niño 3.4 Index greater than 0.5°C). In the upper left part of the graphic, you can see that the region's wettest years occurred during La Niña. Region averaged over all land gridpoints, 45°N–50°N, 120°W–125°W. Data from the Climate Prediction Center’s Unified Raingauge dataset and ERSSTv5. Figure by climate.gov.