The Sun's average brightness varies over time, and the changes can affect global surface temperature. But long-term changes over the period of human-caused global warming are minimal.

The amount of sea ice that survives the Arctic summer has declined by 13 percent per decade since the start of the 43-year satellite record.

Sea level has risen 8-9 inches since 1880, and the rate is accelerating thanks to glacier and ice sheet melt.

In the past 60 years, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased 100 times faster than it did during the end of the last ice age.

Earth's surface temperature in 2021 was 1.87 °Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th-century average.

Susan Solomon Wins 2009 Volvo Environment Prize
January 15, 2009
En realidad, desde diversos puntos de vista, es más difícil pronosticar el tiempo para dentro de dos semanas que pronosticar el clima con décadas de anticipación.
Most models project that further warming will decrease the total number of Atlantic hurricanes, but increase the number of very strong storms.
Two NOAA hurricane experts explain why it’s still so hard to say whether global warming to date has affected the number or intensity of Atlantic hurricanes.
If you're planting a garden this spring, this set of maps based on U.S. climate data can help you see how planting zones across the country have shifted over the past few decades.